

Dr. Stepkovitch shares his office with his wife, Dr. Khatuna Stepkovitch who is an Internist and Geriatrician. Dr. Jason Stepkovitch can be reached by calling the main office at the hours given on this page. If email is an easier alternative, feel free to contact us using the form below.

Once you have received your appointment time, please fill out the, New Patient Form, accessible to the right of this page to bring to your consultation.

*Please refrain from writing medical details in email, as sensitive information will be collected via phone-call once electronic request has been received.

Current Patients: do not use this form as a means to cancel or reschedule appointments. Any questions or requests can be answered by calling the main office. This form is solely for those seeking information as a new patient.

Thank you


➤ location

1/2 Orange St.

Marcellus, NY 13108

➤ Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8AM - 4:30PM

center Office.jpg
1/2 Orange St. Marcellus, NY 13108 (315) 673-1529